October 25, 2015

Changing Lives One BSB Moment at A Time

I am a proud Backstreet Boys fan; I have been for Nineteen years and wouldn’t change it for the world.
Why would you want to be Backstreet Boys fan? Where do you start? The most common response that I have been getting when asking from around the world is that question is “When I felt alone, there was a feeling I got when listening to their music that made me feel like other people could relate to what I was going through and understood what I was feeling.”
I have asked a few fans to write why the Backstreet Boys are so important to them and how their music has changed their lives; I would like to share the responses that I have received.
“They are always beside my heart even when I was going through a hard time, especially when my hubby had to go through many surgeries from his cancers. It means a lot to me because I couldn't tell my fear to anyone of my close friends and family, I didn't want them to worry about me since they worried about my hubby enough. My friends sent me prayers and thoughts for me and him, I could feel that I would never be alone at the hospital, they gave me strength to support my hubby.”  – Jun, Japan
“I didn't really become a fan of the Backstreet Boys until a few years ago when a chance viewing of Nick on the Dr. Phil show touched my heart. It also partly inspired my annual "PlanksGiving" fundraisers in which I do crazy long "planks" to raise money for Stand up To Cancer. I fell in love with their music and was lucky enough to attend my first BSB concert and even plank with the boys! I keep these memories in my heart and am "plankful" for what Nick and the boys have brought to my life and will continue to bring each year when I celebrate PlanksGiving!" – Jen, USA
"I grew up listening to the Backstreet Boys. I can't say enough about the memories that have been made while listening to their music. Beginning with first crush, first dance, first love, first heartbreak, and everything in between, including awesome dance parties with my girlfriends and pictures of cut-outs from magazines all over my wall, (mostly of AJ, I must admit). Today, now married with two girls of my own, I often hope that they will have similar experiences. I still get excited when I hear a BSB song on the radio, and I can still have a pretty awesome dance party with my kids. Thanks for helping me make memories to music. How boring it would have been without it."  - Savannah, Canada
“The Backstreet Boys will never know how grateful I am to have them in my life. My best friend, Christina, and I practically grew up on their music. She passed a few years ago but our friendship and her memory live on through the music.” – Lacy, USA
“Life is not always easy. Especially if you are living in abroad. This is kind of path I have chosen by myself. Just there has been situations where sadden you or your totally alone with your dreams, and this is just so hard to push oneself through and fight. But thank you to your beautiful and positive music, this has been easier not to give up. You make me smile, you make me laugh and I wish I could thank you for that.What else I have been blessed with, is: since I'm a Backstreet Fan, I have met so many great friends, beautiful and lovely people all over the world. Doesn't matter if Latvia, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, or even Canada, USA or Japan, they have helped me a lot and this has been a lot of fun to learn about them, and also their countries. This is awesome and this makes me happy!” – Ilze, Germany
Music has an amazing way of bringing people together; being part of the Backstreet Boys fan club is like being part of another family. There are so many amazing people who are fans and will be there and support you just like a family would.
There are no words that could express how much the Backstreet Boys have changed my life, along with many other people. Sometimes the hardest thing to say in person is thank you, the words jumble and it doesn’t always come out the way you would like it. In saying that I would like to take this time right now to say A.J., Howie, Brian, Nick and Kevin, Thank you for everything that you have done for us and we cannot wait to see what else is in store in the next few years.
Written by MichelleP