1. I wish Kevin would come back too!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I missed it... :0(

  3. Does anyone know if they'll show the TRL finale on MTV Canada??

  4. The video that was at #1 the longest on TRL was Larger than Life. I didn't get a chance to see them on 10/28, so I'm going to have to watch it on Youtube.

  5. When is it being played? In canada? I live in BC and only get this one type of MTV...it's kind of boring..plays the same stuff over and over but I want to know..when they're replaying the MTV with BSB? THanks!

  6. All I can say is: Damn Nick is hot!

  7. got to see it on utube. We don't get trl here in Australia.

  8. ohh my just watched it on utube sad that i missed it on tv but im excited 2 see it on the 16th! ahhh and OMG NICK CARTER LOOKED AMAZING!!! AHHHHHHHH I LOVE HIM! =]

  9. MTV clarrified...here is the revised article http://buzzworthy.mtv.com/2008/10/28/backstreet-boys-will-perform-live-on-the-trl-finale

  10. hmmm how come mtv posted this then?? kind of misleading, but hey at least they'll be in canada yay!!!!