1. @AnnaA83 u know why they do that, right?? cuz people pay... it's 500$, they offer u NOTHING ELSE but the picture, and it was all sold out in like 2 freakin' minutes....! ???????????

  2. Ya tengo mi pase M&G siiiiiiii estuve a la 1pm (hora peruana) y al segundo lo
    Liberaron , ya quiero que sea el 02 de marzo siiii . BSB

  3. Guys you need to think that $500 is a month of someone's rent or mortgage. Many south American fans dont even earn that a month, many banks are financing their concert tickets with interest. Is not fair. I didn't even paid that in Europe, many of us didn't, $500 for 1 minute picture and barely talk to them is too pricey, $500 is half of my monthly mortgage!!

  4. Siiii como funciona?!! Donde te lo dan??!!

  5. Hola a todos, acabo de comprar los boletos pero no entiendo bien si se recogen en algún lugar? Los envían por correo? Alguien me puede ayudar a entender. Gracias

  6. Que emoción.. yo ya tengo mi M&G !!!!!

  7. Ligia....leí que no podes llevar tu celular para selfies solo la oficial que te toman. Es hacer línea, entrar saludarlos y la foto. VIP badge plastificado y salís. Todo en segundos. No hay backstage, ni nada más!

  8. does anyone know what the meet & greet part entails EXACTLY? are you timed? I'm guessing there's some control in place but do you get to say anything other than hello? O read somewhere that you get 2 minutes time?
    are there any restrictions? like you can't bring your phone with you?
    The support link isn't working......

  9. Laura Vindas Hidalgo todos estão $500 dolares americanos.

  10. Laura, tens que ir a la fecha del show que vas a asistir, y luego hacer click en donde dice VIP.