News article image Soldier of the Month: December 2016 - Meet Elizabeth
December 05, 2016

Soldier of the Month: December 2016 - Meet Elizabeth

By Karah-Leigh Hancock
Twitter: @Princess_Karah

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For Elizabeth, a 33-year-old Backstreet Boys fan from Wellington, New Zealand, it took years for her to finally see her favorite group in concert.

“Because I live in New Zealand, (I) could not afford to travel,” Elizabeth, who goes by Libby, said in her submission for the Soldier of the Month. “I have now been to three concerts and finally met the boys last May.”

But for Libby, it goes a little deeper.

After suffering from Crohn's Disease and having some horrible complications from the disease that caused her to spend 10 days in a coma, she remembers hearing their music while she was unconscious.

“(I) truly believe their music helped me fight,” she said. “I have always and will always love them and their music.”

Meet Elizabeth, the last Soldier of the Month for 2016.

Fan Club Username:
Twitter: @heginbeliz
Where are you from? Wellington, New Zealand

What do you do for a living? I work as a mortgage customer services consultant  

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I love animals and hanging with my friends. I like watching, competing and flag marshaling at motorsport events. I have Crohns Disease and have had some serious complications that meant spending 10 days in a coma and another 10 months recovering but I am thankful to be alive and always try to stay positive

How long have you been a BSB fan? i have been a BSB fan for about 17 years.

How did you become a fan? One of my good friends in high school had just been to Europe on a holiday and came back with a cassette of “Quit Playing Games (with my Heart)” and that started my love for BSB.

What is your favorite BSB memory? Until last year, it was finally getting to see them in concert in 2010 in South Korea, But now it would be seeing them last year in Melbourne, Australia and finally meeting BSB and then getting to finally see them in concert in my home country a week later.

What is your favorite BSB song and why? That is a tough one. “Quit Playing Games” would be right up the top as it was the first song of theirs that I heard and “Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of” because it's an amazingly motivational song

What is your favorite BSB video and why? “Everybody.” It has always been one of my favorite videos because of the Halloween theme and the dance.

Who is your favorite Backstreet Boy and why? Nick because he's gorgeous and talented, but then they all are.

How has BSB impacted your life?  I believe that they saved my life. When I was in the coma, I heard their music and it kept me strong and helped me fight and while I was recovering. I listened to BSB's music to keep me in a positive mood so thatIi could build my strength to be able to complete everyday tasks. It was not just their music that helped me through this tough and dark time. Nick’s book came out around the time that I was recovering and it really helped me through

What is your favorite thing about being a BSB fan? The other fans. I think we are all amazing and that if was not for all of us, they may not have kept making music and I would not have met some awesome people waiting in line at the concerts I went to.