February 29, 2016

Why a BSB Cruise is a Must for Every Fan

I firmly believe that every member of the Backstreet army needs to experience a BSB cruise once in their life and here’s why:
You owe it to your inner fangirl (or fanboy). That girl who had posters plastered on her walls and spent hours doodling ‘Mrs. Carter’ all over her notebook. You owe it to HER. If someone told 13-year old me one day I’d be on the beach with a topless Nick on vacation, I’d have laughed in your face. But alas, that actually happened! And wow, was it worth the wait.
It’s actually a really a good value when you break it down. I know there’s a certain sticker shock upon seeing that initial price, but if you break it down, the price is amazing. Bear with me as I do completely unnecessary math to prove it….
On the cruise we get a concert (normally costs around $125 face value); 4 theme parties (Comparable to an after party so say $100 each); Meet & greet (Comparable to a Silver = $250), 5 possible solo events (Say $50 per solo event). And of course we can’t forget to factor in a fabulous Mediterranean cruise…lets swag an average Royal Caribbean 4 day cruise at around $350. So we’re already at $1,375 and we haven’t even talked about all the events. Meanwhile there are cabins as cheap as $1000! 
But the key with a BSB cruise are the priceless interactions and events you literally can’t get elsewhere. Things like the game shows, sail away party, karaoke, photo ops with shirtless backstreet boys, selfies with the boys in their fun theme outfits, eating lunch side-by-side Nick, watching Kevin do an intimate piano performance, experience a solo Howie concert, playing poker with AJ in the casino, late night partying with Brian (who typically doesn’t do after parties). The list goes on and on. There is NO where  else to get to experience this stuff.
A Backstreet cruise is a place where fantasy become reality. Example. Every time I fly through Atlanta I daydream about running into Brian, because you know, the odds of running into him in the most traveled airport in the world are super high, right? But it’s fun to daydream. On the cruise, you actually do get to randomly run into a Backstreet Boy at any given moment. Brian especially seems to pop up in so many random locations.
You get to meet other fans who are just as passionate as you. On the cruise you literally get to meet fans from all over the globe and they all love the Backstreet Boys as much as you do. It’s a feeling of validation. You’re not alone. There’s no judgment. It’s just fun to share this part of yourself with people who actually get it. 
Going on a Backstreet Boy cruise is one of the few places where you can truly escape the stresses of everyday life.  You don’t have to worry about work, bills, kids, exams, or anything else that may stress you out being an adult. It makes you feel like a kid again. The only thing you have to worry about is which Backstreet Boy you want to get a selfie with first. #BSBCruiserProblems 
A Backstreet cruise is a super unique experience that I can’t even fully articulate. There’s something magical about having a ship full of people who are all really passionate about the same thing – in this case BSB. No matter how many concerts or even soundcheck parties you go to, absolutely nothing compares to the cruise. The energy onboard a BSB cruise is just palpable. Every fan should go on a BSB cruise at least once in their life. 
For more information on #BSBCruise2016, visit backstreetboyscruise.com 
Written by Laura D.