December 25, 2015

Spotlight on…. 'Spotlight'!

The Backstreet Army has spoken and the boys hear us!

It may be almost a year since Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of made it’s debut but one of the documentary’s songs, ‘Spotlight’ has stayed with fans and even sparked recent social media campaigns to get the track completed.

So do the guys have any idea just how much one documentary clip made its mark?

“Yes – we’re very much aware,” said AJ, while hosting VH1’s Rock the Schools concert pre-party. 
“It’s funny because that song is actually three songs made into one, so we have to figure out which one we’re going to finish and make a song.

“But I think we definitely should finish it. The fans all want to hear it, so it might end up being a bonus track – something special just for our fans.”

The fact that there’s still hope for ‘Spotlight’ is a pretty awesome Christmas present for the Backstreet Army!

Speaking of presents, AJ – who’s spending Christmas in LA with his parents visiting, then heading to Utah – has got some topping to do when it comes to daughter Ava’s Christmas gift.                        

The adorable tot was thrilled to get her own slide set for her recent third birthday.

“I was talking to my wife about it last night and was like, ‘What are we gonna get her for Christmas? We just bought her a huge playground!’ 
“So we’ll see. I want to buy her some more sneakers to keep up with my collection and maybe some more princess dresses – although she almost has every princess dress already!”


By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ