November 04, 2015

From breathtaking ball-rooming to blue balloons — congrats Nick and Lauren!

It’s a boy!

In one of the biggest emotional rollercoasters to go down in Backstreet history, Nick and Lauren officially announced the amazing news they’re about to become parents last night.

After scoring perfect 10s for his stunning contemporary piece, the adorable pair confirmed they’re expecting their first child, then discovered the gender of Baby Carter live-on-air.

Nick’s dance partner and new bestie Sharna Burgess was by the couple’s side as they revealed the news and says she’s excited to play aunty to Baby Carter.

“I think Nick and Lauren will be amazing parents,” says Sharna. “This baby boy will grow up in a house filled with love and respect. I say that because among all their amazing qualities, these are what I see the most in Nick and Lauren. They are made for each other, and the newest addition to the family is the gift they have been waiting for, for so long.

“I’m beyond happy for them and can’t wait to meet the little one.

“I’ve claimed that I’m an aunty already!”

While a rocky family life growing up lead Nick to declare he would never marry or have kids in his younger years, he couldn’t be more excited to take on parenthood with the love of his life.

In 2013, he told us if he ever became a father he would endeavour to raise his children in the most loving household

“When it comes to kids, I will continue to do my work to be better and to try and break the cycle – not allow the things that happened in my household to happen to my children,” he said.

A year later, Nick credited Lauren for helping change his stance on family.

“I just feel like I’m ready to try anything, especially because I love someone so much that I believe in it and I believe she’ll be a great mother. She has made me believe that the kids could be taken care of and raised properly.”

Added Lauren: “I think if we are blessed to have children, he will be the dad that he didn’t have and will give everything to his children. He will be so loving, generous and kind. He’s a wonderful teacher. He would be an extraordinary father.”

Lauren recalled Nick’s first hands-on experience with children while on the road with the Backstreet Boys.

“James was our first experience with the kids. I wasn’t around when Baylee was a baby and Nick was off and running at that time

“But James – Howie’s first son – was our first experience with a child on tour and I remember we were all backstage one day waiting and they were ready to go out on stage and Howie handed him James.

“James slapped him in the face and made a laughing sound. Nick was at first very uncomfortable, but then started laughing and you could all of a sudden see this parental instinct kicking in. It was funny.

But it’s adorable Ava McLean who has most significantly activated Nick’s paternal instincts, according to AJ.

“He’s got the biggest crush on my daughter in a non-weird way,” he told us last year. “She was a little weird around Nick at first because it was her first time on the road and she didn’t know what the hell was going on. We would have our group prayer before the show and go around the circle and she would high-five everybody and when it came to Nick she was a little skittish.

“Then all of a sudden [months later], she looked at Nick and gave him a hug and you could just see Nick melt for a second.

“Nick’s just infatuated with her and he sees how it’s changed me and I know he wants that.

“Whenever he’s around Ava he’s got that glow. I never thought he would have that because of his family and what he’s been through. To now see him gravitating towards [Lauren’s] family and her dad, and wanting to be a family man is such a great growth. I love being a Backstreet Boy, but the best job in the world is being a father and I think that’s exactly what Nick is going to feel when he has that first moment when he holds his child in his arms.”

And while AJ always suspected Nick and Lauren – who also revealed last night they had suffered a miscarriage – would have a girl, he may be slightly relieved to welcome a son instead.

The pair once joked about the hazards of having a daughter.

“One of my friends has three girls and two weeks after we had Ava he told me the most disturbing advice,” says AJ. “I told it to Nick once and he just started cracking up, then he freaked out for a minute.

“My buddy said, ‘’If you have a boy you only have to worry about one penis. If you have a girl you have to worry about thousands!’”


CONGRATS Nick and Lauren on your amazing news. The Backstreet Army can’t wait to welcome Baby Carter into the world!


By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ