News article image What now? Life after IAWLT…
June 29, 2015

What now? Life after IAWLT…

As Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of gears up for what could be it’s final theatrical release in Italy next month, the boys are wrapping up their phenomenal two-year IAWLT tour in Mexico and that poses one question for Backstreetdom – what on earth do we do with ourselves now?

But with documentary excitement dying down and PTD settling in, fear not!

We already know as long as there’ll be music they’ll be cooooooming back again, and the guys all have exciting projects in the works, which are set to keep our fangirl hearts happy (and our wallets empty).

To start preparing us for post-IAWLT life, some of the boys chatted to about what musical magic they still have in store – starting with AJ, who has been busy working on his upcoming second solo record, due out around October. The follow-up to 2010’s Have It All is both “deeply-personal and fun” and AJ admits he was “shocked” to be able to work with one of his and BSB’s greatest inspirations – Shawn Stockman from Boyz II Men.
“When we finish the tour and have a little time, I’m going to put the record out,” he says. 

“It’s a great album and I’m extremely proud of it. I think it’s what fans have been waiting for from me – musically, lyrically and sonically. And it’s definitely transcending – it’s nothing like my first solo project six years ago. It’s better. If half the fans who follow me on social media buy the record or if one person buys the record, I will be ecstatic because it really is a very personal record.”

AJ has already dropped the first single, Live Together,’ which is also the name of his new charitable foundation. Launched with friend and music producer Jordan Omley, the non-profit organization has the simple aim of “helping people” and its first fundraising efforts have already aided the replacement of stolen instruments and music room makeover at a Pasadena high school.

His favourite song on the record though, is one which honors his biggest inspiration these days – adorable daughter Ava, two.

“My favourite song is ‘Fire Breathing Dragons,’ which is about my daughter and if you don’t cry when you hear it then you have a heart of stone! It’s a pretty emotional record, but it’s awesome.”

Like AJ, Kevin is also waiting for a breather before unleashing his record and judging by the tasters we’ve had of his solo talents in the past – from ‘Nobody By You’ to his jaw-dropping cruise performance – we’re PUMPED to hear what he’s got in store for us!

“When we finish the tour and have a little time, I’m going to put it out,” he promises.

Meanwhile, Brian recently Tweeted that his solo music is a “work in progress”, while Howie has been in the studio making a children’s album with Grammy-nominated producer Tor Hyams.

As for Nick, he’s finally about to get cameras rolling on his crowd-funded indie film Dead West, while also preparing to drop another solo record with the first single expected to be released in October.

In March, he revealed details about the record during an exclusive web chat over at

While recording the track ‘California’ with American songwriter and producer Dan Muckala (who wrote ‘Incomplete’) Nick shared that his upcoming music – on which he has collaborated with Kiwi songstress Natasha Bedingfield – has a pop/rock vibe, which he hopes will take listeners’ mindsets to their “vacation place”.

“This is the most solid record I have ever had as far as my solo music goes. The continuity with Dan just makes sense. He believes in me, loves the fact that I love rock music and doesn’t judge me for it.

“It might not necessarily be the Backstreet Boys type of sound, but it is about what I feel comfortable performing on stage, what I love to perform and my influences.
“My influence when I was growing up was always classic rock music, so I feel I’m really able to do this.

“I’m so excited because it’s groundbreaking. It’s me in a jar and everything that I’ve been wanting to do forever – and you’ll see it on tour as well!”

And if that’s not enough to set our Backstreet saving reflexes into a mad flurry, there’s the awesome words that Nick left us with at Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of’s LA premiere – “Our new album… we’re going to start recording this year!”


*Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of screens across theatres in Italy on July 14th and 15th. 

And don’t forget the doco is also now on Netflix!


By Leena Tailor / @LeenaNZ