Backstreet Boys image
December 09, 2011
  1. Hey. Everybodey. Not. All. Of. The. Backstreeatboys. Body. Guards. Are. Jerks. They. Are. There. For. A. Reson. And. I. Agree. The. Backstreeatboys. Do. Need. To. Be. Careful. Who. They pick. Maybe. For. There. Body. Guards. They. Are. All. Mean that. Is. What. A. Body. Guards. Have too. Do there. Job. Though. And. That. Is what. This. One. Is. Doing. Too. Do not. Judge. Everybody and. You. All are. Right. They. Are. Mean. I. Went. To a concert in Atlanta. And. All of. The. Bsb. Body. Guards. Made. Us. Through. Away. Our. Cameras. But. I kept. Mine. Though. But. Anyway. I. Wish. They whould be. A lot. Nicer. Too. Us. Because. We. Are. The ones. Who. Got. Them. Just. Like. They. Are. Today. Great. Singers. I. Am. Just. Saying. Love. Babygirl. Julie.

  2. Don't worry Drew will be back, he just had another assignment to be on while the cruise was happening. ;)

  3. I never met Drew ... but I heard some good things about him, and this guy it was a jerk with all fans, I WANT DREW BACK!

  4. He wasn't a jerk, he was just doing his job.

  5. On fire.

  6. not necessary. Too bad with us

  7. i want drew agaaaiin!! :(

  8. He is a jerk, but a sexy jerk ha ha
    He takes his job REALLY serious.

  9. its really terrible how awful this body guard was to bsb fans...especially when they fans were nothing but respectful and polite.

  10. this guy was such a jerk!!!

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