Are Your the Next Soldier of the Month?

This contest ended 5 years ago

We're looking for one member of the BSB Army to highlight Soldier of the Month!

To enter, answer the following question: What is the craziest thing you've done during a concert to get a Backstreet Boy's attention?

Make sure you answer the question in the comments section below and then click the 'Sign Up For This' button. You must complete both tasks to enter!

Each month's soldier will receive:
+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account
+ A feature piece on
+ A special bundle of BSB goodies
+ Permanent bragging rights
+ And more ;)

Check back here in the contests section at the top of each month to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligible for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit. 

- Winner is selected at random.

  1. 2017 Singapore, my very first time. The Backstreet Boys came on stage, my hands were shaking, I could barely breathe, I was tearing. The band started to dance and I started to dance with them and mimicked there every move they were making on stage. I was near the front and at their eye level. I could see them looking right at me. I could feel that I had their attention. The excitement adrenaline rush was very high.

  2. I just screamed at the top of my lungs, I was in Vegas this past July and saw them. I was right by the stage, could touch them it was amazing!!!

  3. For the most recent Halloween show in Vegas (my 2nd time seeing larger than life) I made my husband dress up as a witch dictor and me as a voodoo doll in hopes we would get noticed! Well we both got to shake hands with Brian ???????????????? him and my husband always seem to vibe at the shows haha!!

  4. I would never ever forget my first BSB concert in Manila back in 2007. I did everything to get a front row seat but the nearest seat on commercial sale was already at the fifth row :( But at lights off, my adrenaline rush got me to the “front-est” spot! I was at the stage barrier and the security were pushing us back but luckily, we conquered them ;) At the middle of the concert, Nick went down the stage and stood right in front of me! Ofcourse we held his hand and he even poured his drink to us which we used to call as Nick’s “holywater”. I was on high for days, weeks and months and I was telling my concert and stalking (airport, hotel, mall) stories to everyone I talked to. Missing my college chemistry and math exams for the concert was way more than worth it. But ofcourse I got excused using medical certificate. Thank you so much to Kevin, Nick, AJ, Howie and Brian and the team for this indescribable and unexplainable feeling of happiness and inspiration! I can still feel the hype as I am writing this entry <3 I love you sooo much!!!!

  5. It was my second concert ever, and it was the Larger Than Life tour. I HADDD to buy the sears closest to the stage AND EVERYONE WAS SO HYPED THEY STOOD UP SO MY SHORT 4'9 ASS COULD NOT SEE ANYTHING so i resorted to standing on the chair heheheeh BEST NIGHT EVER

  6. I don't think it can be called as "something crazy" but... it was my very first BSB concert and it was the Unbreakable tour. Back then in 2007, there wasn't many fans attending at the concert. Me and my friend weren't up front but we were basically the ones, in our section, standing up dancing and having fun. As usually, Brian was waving and pointing to various people and, one moment, there he was waving back at me.
    I was shocked.
    I was so shocked that I turned to my friend and said: "Did he just waved at us?"

  7. I didn't have to do anything crazy I just yelled Kevin! And it worked Kevin heard me.????????

  8. The craziest thing i have done fo very the bsbs attention is bring a pillow case with a picture of there pants down lol tbey loved it

  9. I used flashing devils horns, to make sure they could tell where I was, or I use funny hats of some kind. I wave a flag and make sure I'm close to the stage.

    The first time I saw the boys it was a preformance and I had a really shitty place to stand but screamed in an opera like fashion so loud that all of the boys waved at me (and looked rather nervous) towards my way several times. (Sorry boys!) So did a security guard that started to walk my way, but when I gave him a "you touch me right now and you're gonna be sorry" look, he didn't dare come close anymore, luckily. I had waited for so long to get to see the boys that day and travelled so far! It was a great experiance no matter what. I will never forget them singing I wanna be with you. Because I sure wanted to be with them. :)

  10. Hace exactamente 21 años hice 2082 km para verlos por primera vez en Viña del Mar fue una experiencia única puesto que vivo en Misiones una provincia Argentina casi del otro lado del continente. Fue super difícil poder verlos ya que fue todo un descontrol pero lo logre en el hotel. Fue uno de los días mas felices hasta ahora esperando que hagan su tour por sudamerica y verlos en Argentina y soy tan fanática que mi hija de 18 años ahora también es muy fan, lo mas lindo es compartirlo con ella

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