Are You The First SOTM for 2019?!

This contest ended 6 years ago

We're looking for one member of the BSB Army to highlight as the first Soldier of the Month for 2019!

To enter, answer the following question: “How do you plan to celebrate the release of “DNA” on January 25?

Make sure you answer the question in the comments section below and then click the 'Sign Up For This' button. You must complete both tasks to enter!

Each month's soldier will receive:
+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account
+ A feature piece on
+ A special bundle of BSB goodies
+ Permanent bragging rights
+ And more ;)

Check back here in the contests section at the top of each month to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligible for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit. 

- Winner is selected at random.

  1. How do you plan to celebrate the release of “DNA” on January 25?....Well the same way I have done for the last 25 years, wait for my pre ordered album to come throught my door then listen to the album until I get to see u guys in London 17th June 2019...Every year every new album I get more and more excited about and whats special about January 2019....It's my 40th Birthday on the 8th and then 25th the Album & wait until June to see u guys....Oh how my 2019 and my 40th would be perfect If I just got to meet u guys and have a picture to make me so happy....2019 BSB I can not wait to start this next set of great memories to my life

  2. Same way I've celebrated each album since 1993. Purchase, and listen until I know each song and every "ya" and "oh" by heart. Then bring it to work and put the tunes on my work computer so that everyone in my workplace has the privilege of hearing the soulfull, angelic voices of the bsb. I can't wait ! Additionally, since I now have two littles of my own (ages 1 and 3) I plan to play the album at home too and have them enjoy great tunes along with their Momma. ????????????

  3. As every morning since I was about 5 years old I will I'll take my phone and, instead of listening to one of the many songs of the BSB discography and after hearing 10.000 times 'Don't go breaking my heart' & 'Chances' throughout 2018, I will buy the new album on Itunes and I will listen to it (sure that between tears of emotion) until I get to the office where I will make it listen to all my colleagues, I'll shared it on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter full of pride and I will not stop talking about it all day with my BSB friends on Whatsapp. Then, day after day I will continue listening to it because I will have added a list of 12 songs to the SOUNDTRACK OF MY LIFE, looking forward to May to see you in 4 shows of the DNA WORLD TOUR!!!! Can't wait guys!!!! Happy New Year!!! 2019 will be HUGE for all the BACKSTREET WORLD!!!

  4. I plan on putting it on repeat and dancing around driving people crazy lol

  5. I took a day off especially for this occasion, so I can sit in my room blast DNA out, sob on how good it is, get my mum to listen to it and then probably add it to my bsb so I can listen to it with all the songs

  6. When the new DNA album comes out, I'll be buying it as a late Christmas present to myself. This album will be the light I've been searching for since there has been a lot of darkness in my life recently.

  7. I will be celebrating the release of "DNA" by listening to every cd the Backstreet Boys have ever produced. Because I have them all....DNA to be included! My neighbors have become BSB fans due to my constant playing of the BSB. Old as well as New! I love my BSB......always and forever! :)

  8. Lock myself in my room and listen to it on full blast with NO interference by anyone. Cellphone off, everything will have to wait until Im done with my first listen to it. Then I will probably spam everywhere online with what my fav. songs are etc.

  9. Blasting this in my classroom all week students may hate me after this ????

  10. My boyfriend will be celebrating his birthday, so he will be hearing the best music on that day :D

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