1. When or where are the winners announced?

  2. I love the bsb. I saw them in 2014 in Indianapolis with Avril. Y'all where amazing. No I live Alabama y'all are coming on my 30th birthday. What an amazing day to celebrate my birthday. Pleases pick me to get a meet and great. That would make my birthday so much fun. ??????????????

  3. I plan to do many things to celebrate the release of DNA. As a biology major and genetics minor in undergrad, I have a weird obsession with DNA so I am thrilled with the album title choice. First, when the album drops at midnight, since I have pre-ordered the album through iTunes, I plan to listen to the album with my best BSB buddy, my twin sister. What better way to experience the DNA album for the first time than with someone who literally shares your same DNA and passion for BSB!? We plan to stop by Target at some point in the day to pick up a physical copy on release day, as we’ve gone in to get a physical album for every new album released since Millennium - it’s just tradition at this point! Later on in the day, after my BSGs (Backstreet Girls!) have had a chance to listen to the album once on their own, we plan to hold a group listening party to discuss our thoughts on every song in our group chat. I can’t wait to share my thoughts on the album with these girls who are some of my closest friends!

    Additionally, I am hoping to partake in any BSB promo there is for the album in NYC. About a month ago I began requesting tickets to all of the NYC daytime and evening talk shows (GMA, Kelly & Ryan, The View, The Tonight Show, etc). Hoping that some of the dates I scored tickets for will have the boys on to promote their album and tour! If there is some sort of fan event, I most definitely plan to be there! Could there be any better way to celebrate the release of DNA than with BSB!? I think not!

    I have been tweeting and calling my local radio stations to ask them to play the new BSB music since the summer. I plan to continue this, especially on January 25th! I will see them on their DNA Tour this coming summer at a few stops, and have spread the word to friends to get them to purchase tickets, too! I will definitely be sending a reminder to my friends who haven’t bought tickets yet on January 25th to make sure to buy them as well as the album!

    Lastly, if I end up being home and no promo is happening in NYC, I plan to sport my BSB gear, put on the new album, and bake! I like to bake something for every Backstreet Boy’s birthday, so why not bake something for DNA’s birthday to celebrate!

    Can’t wait for the album release! Not too much longer to go!

  4. I plan to celebrate linking every song of the album with each song of their first album as a reminder of how they were then and what they have become now ! ????

  5. Champagne (because why not), dance party and playing the CD on repeat! A copy came with my DNA World Tour ticket purchase and I can’t wait to receive it in the mail! Actually, my whole family (5 of us) will receive a copy. One copy clearly wasn’t enough! ????

  6. I plan to listen to the album 99% of the day with my 7 year old daughter. Rocking out like we're on stage. Enjoying Nick's voice that puts me in an instant good mood no matter what.

  7. I plan to go to NYC if press tour is happening and celebrate with the boys! Also, buying the cd and having a party with my friends!

  8. I will buy the CD in the store. I hear them again and again with my 5 year old twin boys.
    They really like the song "In A World Like This" and "No Place"!

  9. With my BSB friends. We meet early to buy the CD in the store. There is also a DNA cake and sparkling wine. We're doing a little Party. And listen to the songs. Talk about it and share it with friends and other fans. And we will have a discussion round at FB in the evening at which the songs are running

  10. I plan to have a listening party with friends at my place Friday night! Food, Drinks, and cheers (and probably silly celebration post to you guys)! xoxo #DNAuary #DNA