May 2018's Soldier of the Month

This contest ended 6 years ago

It's time! We're looking for one member of the BSB Army to highlight as May's Soldier of the Month.

To enter, answer the following question: If you could have a Backstreet Boys cruise take place ANYWHERE in the world, where would pick and why?

Make sure you answer the question in the comments section below and then click the 'Sign Up For This' button. You must complete both tasks to enter!

Each month's soldier will receive:

+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account
+ 1500 points
+ A feature piece on
+ A special bundle of BSB goodies
+ Permanent bragging rights
+ And more ;)

Check back here in the contests section at the top of each month to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligible for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit. 

- Winner is selected at random.

  1. I would like to invite BSB cruise to Japan!
    Japan is one of the biggest fans of BSB and we have different cultures than other countires,many fans from whole world and Boys will love it!
    And it's easy way me to join cruise cause I went cruise once but it's so hard to travel from the other side of w

  2. or do a texas cruise because that will be fun too and if was that much i will go

  3. i want to go to italy or jamaica , that will be fun to spend the day with the boys n just be with them and ask them questions

  4. I would say Greece, prolly Santorini since it's the most beautiful vacation I've ever taken. Or Miami since I'll be cruising again this year and I have thr good BSB memories lol

  5. I think if I had a choice on where the cruise should go it would be Greece I've heard and seen on the internet that you can island hop with ferry all over the island and the water is so blue and clear. It has over 1400 little islands to go and discover. I think the why is easy it seems like a magical and mystical place to be exploring and seeing what activities the boys could come up with!! This cruise would be the most beautiful for photos too

  6. Just sail a boat around Lake Eola in Orlando. The Boys haven't been "home" in a long time.

  7. I think a BSB cruise should take place in Tampa, or anywhere that other fans have not been able to be a part of the cruise due to issues with traveling, whatever they may be, and can't make it to the destination that has been selected. It would also help save up a lot of money for those who have financial issues as well to not travel so far, and I think everyone who loves the boys deserves a chance to hang out with them, so the cruises taking place in locations that have not yet been chosen and are places that the boys normally don't go for the cruise, would be a good idea. There are so many of us that still have not had a chance to go to a concert let alone any type of BSB event and it would be nice if every fan could have a chance at at least one BSB event if any at all.

  8. A cruise to Australia would be super fun, maybe the South Pacific. I can't think of a better vacation than beautiful skies, beautiful oceans and Backstreet :)

  9. I'm Italian so...i pick Italy! it would be the only way to partecipate to this event for me. I'm a fan since i was 9, now i'm almost 31 and i'm still here, singing like the first time, rejoicing like the first time...i definitely deserve a prize eheh

  10. Alaskan cruise would be awesome. Especially since the current one is stationed out of Miami, it'd be nice to have one based of the west coast again. Plus, Alaska is beautiful, and sadly, many people don't go there. An Alaskan cruise would be beautiful, romantic, and it could have some pretty cool themes.

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