1. I would say a cruise somewhere on the west coast. The cruise for the most part leave from Florida and the California coastline is just as beautiful. San Francisco or San Diego have gorgeous ports, and it would be a nice change from the normal destinations. That being said any destination would be amazing! I just went on my first cruise and it was more than I could have ever imagined.

  2. Japan cause it has awsome history and style.
    Scotland... for the same reason.

  3. I would love to have a Hawaiian BSB Cruise. Hawaii has such beautiful scenery. If there was a beach party, they could do it luau style (day or night). If there was free time at the ports, there are so many excursion possibilities in Hawaii (hiking, ATVs, beach, dolphins, etc.). Also, a lot of things are open later on the islands so we would not need to rush back to the ship.

  4. Australia & New Zealand cruise would be amazing!

  5. If I could have a Backstreet Boys cruise go anywhere, I’d pick a Caribbean cruise that stops off in Key West. For me, cruising is about going somewhere tropical filled with sunshine. As a Nick girl, what better way to kick off a cruise than to hopefully hit up Nick’s bar he is planning on opening. Unfortunately I was not able to attend the cruise that stopped in Key West so I would not mind if they repeated this destination. However, give me the Backstreet Boys and I will cruise anywhere for them!

  6. If I could go on a Backstreet Boys Cruise that went ANYWHERE in the world I would choose a Hawaiian Island cruise. I think it would be a lot of fun to go to the different islands and get to enjoy Hawaii and the Backstreet Boys. There could be different themes with the different islands and a lot more activities off the ship.

  7. If I could have a Backstreet boys cruise take place anywhere in the world, I would have to choose Asia! I always dreamed of visiting Asia one day and knowing that Bsb has many Asian fans, including myself, it would surely make us very happy ! It will be something that’s never been done before on a BSBcruise and gives us all a chance to travel and sight see as well! I’m a strong believer of the saying “two birds with one stone”, and if the backstreet boys cruise is in Asia, we’d get to enjoy being with backstreet boys and our newly found backstreet friends as well as sight see. It would be an honor if I win soldier of the month! Keep the backstreet pride alive !

    Jen Yang (@blacknbluerocks)

  8. I would sail "anywhere for you, anywhere you ask me too "????????????
    my first cruise was with the boys in Europe! Great experience! Loved it! The Boys killed it!

  9. If I could have a Backstreet Boys cruise take place anywhere in the world, it would have to be in mexico. The music that the Backstreet Boys made that still play I I know for a fact makes an impact because Mexico is all about heart touching music. The Backstreet Boys made history and still make history. The Backstreet Boy life the music the ENTIRE history WAS IS and WILL always be REAL. Mexico is all about showing real life, dishing out real music, and making history. Backstreet Boys IS LIFE!!!

  10. I think a cruise in South America would be perfect! A lot of South American fans attend every cruise in the US and the one that was made in Europe, so it would be nice to give them the chance to have a cruise "at home" next time :)