1. please come to edmonton,AB!!!!

  2. Wow! Remember.........Sudamerica waiting for you!!

  3. finally!! so happy they are coming to NYC and doing a bunch of dates around there. please give us advance warning for the presales and prices, not like a day before lol :)

  4. Come to St. Louis Please! LOL You haven't been there forever!

  5. THANK YOU soooooooooooooooooooo much for SLC!!!! I am so there!!

  6. Michigan!!!!!!!!!!! you completed my life!!!

  7. Don't forget Oregon or Washington! Pretty Please?

  8. Thank you Boys and co for adding Kansas City!!!!

  9. i need to Texas please...

  10. I know that yall have a show coming 2 Vienna Virginia but do you think that you could come alittle closer like 2 The National in Richmond,Virginia.Im about 5 mins from there.PLEASE PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP :)