1. I love all the stuff they are doing for us North American fans! You guys are the best!

  2. Loving the North American things going on !

  3. OF COURSE! lol its like the concert gods knew i was moving out of norcal this weekend... but i hope everyone who goes has a great time =)

  4. Understandable EternalNickChick!

  5. thanks=)

  6. thank you vanessa! didn't mean to start an outbreak of frustrated NYC fans lol we just want some info 5 months later...hahah

  7. I think that's such a cool event! Always wanted to go to napa but unfortunately I can't make it that weekend but whoever can make it should go and represent! Lol

  8. his firt concert in USA. . .

  9. Thank you SO much Vanessa!!!!! :) :)

  10. thank you vanessa! you are a sweetheart!