1. si fuese en Europa...

  2. I will ask about NYC everyone!

  3. please reschedule NYC!!

  4. i agree with eternal....... what about the NYC reschedule?!

  5. @eternal i totally agree with you..why not reschedule the events that were cancelled first

  6. ok thanks for the response vanessa...any idea who would know info about that event?...we've been waiting a while and still no news from anyone.

  7. EternalNickChick- I don't know, I didn't create the event. Just posting info... Sorry you are upset...

  8. thats cool. but what about the fans who killed themselves winning tickets to the NYC show in Oct that still hasn't been rescheduled? why create another one when that still hasn't been made up?

  9. ur awesome btw :D

  10. thanx Vanessa :D