1. I wish i woulda bought tickets! All that for a good price! Wish i woulda been there!!!!!:( another napa show? Please!

  2. Ugh, I wish I still lived in Napa when BSB came to town. I literally lived a 1/2 mile from the Napa Opera House. I'm sure it was an amazing evening!

  3. feliz navidad

  4. i found a website with pictures from Napa check it out girls

  5. I can't stop watching the videos from that night..
    it must have been a really great event!!!! :)))))))))))))

  6. hey girls - i tried to post elsewhere too & made a fanclub blog post... but I ended up being front & center and I posted all 10 songs - check it out! www.youtube.com/sv02


  7. I know i hd so much fun!!! I am happy that they came to my home town!!! everybody at work asked my why was i so happy and why was i smiling alot...and i told them cuz i went to see my favorite BAND last nite

  8. Hey everyone. Just letting you know pics will be posted in the next couple days on the website. There should be a link next to the napa event info. You can look at past events and you'll see the link from previous shows.. (Thats what we were told last night) =)

  9. I'm also looking for it. Where?

  10. Where do we get the pictures from meeting the boys?
    great show :)