1. thank you @mallymal

  2. I am looking for anyone who wants to reserve a Grand Suite (double) but doesn't have anyone to book with them. Rose Tours said that both people have to be booked at the same time. I really want a Grand Suite this time, but have no one to go in with me. Please if you need someone, let me know. Thanks!!!!!

  3. My mother and I have gone on the past 2 and have loved every second of it we didn't think we would be going on this one due to some major financial issues but we have decided to just go for it! You only live once!

  4. I did the 2 others and honestly it's the beeest Backstreet experience I neeeeeeveeeeerrr had!!! :) I'll so be there for part 3 :)

  5. This will be my first cruise, I'm so excited! Can't wait to see you guys!!!

    Geeente, tem alguma BRASILEIRA que more no JAPÃO e está querendo ir no cruise? Preciso de companhiaaaa



  6. Can german fans get tickets for the cruise too?

  7. This will be my first cruise with the BFF and we cant wait, we are already decideing what to pack :0) Anyone from Perth WA going??? :0)

  8. @Lisa that depends how much of a stalker you wanna be, lol really I went to the first cruise and I didn't follow the boys around because I went with my bf but I still got to see them all over the boat. We do get a group picture with them.

  9. I will go to the cruise next year. It will be my first cruise and I'm very excited to go there and see the five boys together.
    Hope to see a lot of fans and have fun with you.... :)

  10. hey everyone :) very important question

    Im thinking of travelling over for the cruise from Europe but only if I can get the cheaper cabin

    how much interaction/ vip pictures do you get for this with the boys?