1. OMG! that's great! they totally need to have a star! OR 5!

  2. March 4th

  3. Yeah

  4. someone knows when it will be the celebration on Walk of Fame? :)

  5. Good Job guys! Congratulations. You made us proud one more time....

  6. yeeeeeeeah finallyyy! You deserved it! I'm so proud of you! :)

  7. yeeeeeeah!!!!! finally!!! you deserved it! :) I'm so proud of you

  8. yeeeeeeah!!!!! finally!!! you deserved it! :) I'm so proud of you

  9. PLEASE advise us of Star Ceremony date with enough notice, that many of us can actually plan to be @ Hollywood Walk of Fame to properly cheer you on. One day notice was very sadfor Old Navy Fashion show debacle. More o us wanted tone there, but alas… we were denied that opportunity. Thank you. (reposted)

  10. PLEASE advise us of Star Ceremony date with enough notice, that many of us can actually plan to be @ Hollywood Walk of Fame to properly cheer you on. One day notice was very sadfor Old Navy Fashion show debacle. More of us wanted tone there, but alas… we were denied. That opportunity. Thank you.