1. This is amazing!! Congratulations guys!! You deserve it!! =D

  2. finally!!!! congrats guys! you're the best!

  3. YES Finally, in 2013 BSB get their STAR!


    So, once we know the date those of us who can, should plan to gather in Hollywood to celebrate Star honor & BSB's 20 Year Anniversary!

  4. Congrats guys. You deserve it.

  5. Congrats! what an amazing way to start off 20 years together!

  6. Yeah its about time. Congrats my sweet hearts. U have done so much in ur lives. I love U. KTBSPA!!!!!!! U ROCK!!!!!!!!

  7. Congrats! I love you all so much!! :D

  8. about time!!!!! x

  9. Congrats !!!!! Cant believe its been almost 20 yrs in the music buz for u guys. Been a fan for 15 yrs

  10. You deserve it! Amazing!!!! Congrats! There's gonna be a time in my life that I'll take a picture with that star.