1. Felicidades!!! Desde Colombia les mandamos muchísimos
    Se habían demorado mucho para dársela, un beso... los amo!!!!!

  2. Wow, now only if I had the money to go there on the day that they get it ... Wouldn't that be a nice contest - Win 1 ticket to be there when the Guys get their star? :-)

  3. Congratulations......I can't wait to see it.

  4. aww, congrats guys!

  5. congrats

  6. Wow!! congrats..!! I go there almost every weekend and its going to be lovely to see your star there every time I go... I am really looking forward to this!! X

  7. Muchas felicidades se lo merecen estoy muy contenta por ellos ...

  8. well over due! Congrats!! =0)

  9. Finally!!! It was about time! =)

  10. I am gonna go see LA in october for my birthday with my boyfriend when do you think it will be there. I so wanna see it