1. How are groups of 10 fair for 4 guys? Oi... not sure why I'm even going to bother to do this. I know it's only going to irritate me.

  2. hi Backstreet Boys i want so much to attend to expierance this BSBBQ,, IT not in
    Australia ? i reconise the place where its held,, i hope you guys will do it here down under,,

  3. I know a lot of people seem to be complaining but I'm really happy that they're doing a meet&greet at all...it'll be fun

  4. Groups of TEN?!?! There's only eight during the cruise pics and less during normal VIPs...Ok..this is really starting to officially piss me off. First its not included in ANY VIPs or discounted, now t his.

  5. Kevin won't be attending Hershey park :(

  6. Group Photo with BSB ...Kevin?