1. Backstreet Boys tour NYC and or CT? Kevin's coming back? You're finally making a concert dvd for fans who don't get to see the shows?

    Please let it be good news. I couldn't take any bad right now.

    KTBSPA! Love Ya Fella's

  2. backstreet boys come to brazil,...2010

  3. Backstreet Boys in Monterrey singing in spanish xD lol
    I think will be the new dates of the tour..
    mmm.. or... Kevin returns to the group! :]
    aaahhh i cant wait!!

  4. the u.s. tour dates??? hehe

  5. I can't wait !!!!

  6. Argentina will be waiting 4 the news on twitter!


  8. So much for the big and special announcement...the BSB CIA already found out lol. Anyway, if it is indeed the cruise, I agree with the girls here who are saying that it would be a disappointment. I hope that people won't be too upset though.

  9. A cruise definitely wouldn't be a good big announcement for the fans that can't afford to spend a lot of money...... If it was that...I would be disappointed too...

  10. It's a CRUISE!?
    ...damnit. -.-