1. Congratulations AJ!!! :)

  2. wow congrads AJ :)

  3. muchas felicidades,
    se merece ser feliz y que lo amen=)

  4. I'm so happy for AJ! Can't wait to hear the wedding details!!

  5. Congratulations Alex

  6. Congrats to A.J. and Rochelle !!! (lucky girl) LOL I really hope she makes him the happiest man in the world, he surely deserves it.
    And, if he ever gets off the market again, I'm sure there'll be tons of us waiting for him ; ) (me included, of course) Jokes aside, I just wish them all the best!

  7. Congrats AJ!!! Im sad to hear you're off the market but I'm 110% happy that you found someone who makes you happy.

  8. Congratz, AJ, i'm sure she's the right women for you.

  9. Congrats my AJ! Wish u the best! :)

  10. woohoo!! :)