1. good

  2. what happened to the vips

  3. Have they not been available yet?

  4. where are the buy buttons? its already half hour past sale time!

  5. The Melbourne VIP tickets will be going on sale at 8am Friday morning, Melbourne/Sydney time. Platinum cost $US520, Gold $US312, Silver $US208 and Bronze $US104.

  6. oh kool! thanks for that :) it'd be a dream come true to see them upclose! do u have any idea how much theyre worth? and also do u know exactly what time the tickets for Melbourne, Vic Australia will be released? i just dont wanna miss out on the chance...

  7. Damn! I has getting real excited about the extra time with anyone of the boys

  8. yesss mexico PLEASE!!!

  9. Yeah! Mexico please! :)

  10. please comeback to Mexico =)