1. I'm not trying to be a spoilsport but I wont be buying this I dont think. I'm really sorry but we all have they songs over and over again! I'd rather a DVD or unreleased songs or something we not had before!! We have NEVER even had a DVD - last thing was " Night in with BSB" when it was all lovely and romantic (my copy was on VHS it was that long ago)!! So come on management ... give us something new!! Pls!! Oh and I'm really sorry if I sound cheeky but I got two sons, 3 dogs and a hubby to support!!!!

  2. Cute - looks like pics from Millennium. Love it!

  3. Got my copy pre-ordered last night! Can't wait to receive it!

  4. everyone looks amazing on the cover!! this is awesome!!!

  5. I am waiting to get the one! :)

  6. Awwww...cute! :)

  7. pre ordered it woot woot

  8. Just bought my copy cant wait tooo hear it......LOVE U GUYS

  9. I've always loved that pic!

  10. awesome!