1. saving, yeah. I'm doing that already.

  2. Yes... I would start to save to buy that package :P

  3. Done!
    It´s great to ask the fans for their opinion.
    Thanks for that!

  4. Done!.. Now if only you could put together a VIP package like that and a some what reasonable price!

  5. Done! :D

  6. thanx a lot, Sabrina!

  7. Done, Eddie! And it sounds really interesting the VIP package!

  8. Done! =)

  9. Hassle-Free shopping means that you can shop without the "fight" or stress of other people wanting what you want at the same time. In a few words, more easy, less people and in "advance".

  10. Okis.. it's done... Remember... We want them again in Chile :D