1. awwwh i really wanna win the atlantic city oneeee

  2. We're in row 2!

  3. I'm in section 12.

  4. I'm in K so that is row 11....YAY! It isn't as close and would have wanted but I CERTAINLY CAN NOT complain!

  5. i think both

    so where is everyone from moncton sitting? im third row

  6. comon guys we should know we will be the alst one to know ahha

  7. Are they sending it to our email or messaging us on here?

  8. once again moncton might be left out haha

  9. Well nobody that entered in Moncton has posted that they've won, so I can't see them having sent out messages to the winners for Moncton yet.

  10. i still have pending approval