1. ooh... well that's just great... this whole thing is really pissing me off. I don't understand what's taking so long. Most of the other cities have their seats... what the hell is up with Ottawa?!?! I hope they didn't screws something up!

  2. That e-mail doesn't work, I've tried it before and btw they never answer any e-mails back.

  3. I e-mailed [email protected] asking about my seats. I'll let you guys know what happens.

  4. ok, I'll call later. I'm at work now - I don't wanna get in shit for making a long distance call lol

  5. Madalena, can u ask if we will get our e-mail today, please. :)

  6. It's only 10 cents a min from Canada

  7. Ottawa! Ottawa! Ottawa! Ladies.. let's start a chant :)

  8. they don't have a 1-800 number?

  9. I saw this # in an earlier post... 1-916-443-9213

  10. I saw this # in an earlier post... 1-916-443-9213