1. haha that's funny

  2. que chistoso hahahahahah

  3. LMAO I wish I worked in an office like that.

  4. LMAO that was pretty funny...can i have a job at that office? That would be a great place to work at, singing BSB songs all day hahaha love it.

  5. lmao,that was great!

  6. That was freaking hilarious! LOVED IT!

  7. omg!!!!! so funny!!!! lmao

  8. LMAO .. you really are busy uh ?

  9. LOL! I wanna know now who was the guy on his desk in the background looking at his computer monitor upside down?? :)

  10. LMAO!!!!! this was hilarious!!!!! ahhahaha omg.. what a nice day at the office huh?? :P that was AWESOME.