1. I've sent my Q to the awesome Rosemary Church whom I assume will be doing the segment

  2. que emocion
    que padre

    me alegra mucho verlos en accion, es decir en este tipo de presentaciones

    felicidades chicos

  3. SO excited I will watch after work for sure!

  4. This is interesting.

  5. what time? I would love to see it

  6. Cool, but when on Sunday? lol

  7. umm...why? lol! I'll be watching! :)

  8. Ooh thats cool! I shall try and catch it... I tried to catch Larry King Live on CNN Europe but it wasnt shown because of the Nobel Peace Prize announcement...

  9. Anyone know why?

  10. Hmm... interesting.... Anyone know why they're going to be on Headline News?