1. We understand !!!! The more important is take care of you !!! We love you XOXOX Get Well !!!

  2. Get better Brian! The fans are thinking about you!

  3. First things first.. feel better.

  4. Brian, you don't have to apologize. The most important thing is your health and we all want you to be healthy. Please get as much rest as you can and I hope you start feeling better soon. We all love you and are still and always will KTBSPA:)

  5. Soigne-toi bien, et ne t'excuses pas, ce n'est pas ta faute :-(
    Ca me fend le coeur de te voir malade. Guéris vite, je t'aime

  6. OMG Brian. We love you so much. We understand the situation and we want is you get better soon.
    I´m praying for you.
    Love you

  7. Brian you are an angel, there´s no need to apologize, thank u so much for be so great person. Take care, we are all praying for u. God bless u angel!

  8. He didn't need to apologize, it's not his fault.

  9. get well soon and thanks for the video!!

  10. God bless you Brian I hope i can see you soon in NYC :))) I love you No need to apologize for being sick !!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo