1. nice of them to let us know after we stood on line for a thousand hours....i know all the people who had the vip tickets will get rescheduled but how about all the people who stood on line for hours just to meet them for one second...what do we get??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they could have at least taken names down and gave everyone a cd...but nope we got absolutely nothing....just anger and tears....

    ps i hope all the guys are ok and i understand things happen...but what they did to their fans was wrong...it makes me question now all the times they say their fans mean everything to them....

  2. Get well soon!

  3. Hey B get well soon sweety!!! MUCH LOVE

  4. Brian, I hope you get well soon!!!

  5. I hope he will get well soon. Hugs Brian.

  6. Ahhh what a shame for B-rok hope you get and feel better very soon.

    Luv S x :)

  7. enfermedad de mierda!!!

  8. get well soon Brian :( hope the rest of the guys are okay. get some rest and drink lots of fluids :) take care, Boys. :)

  9. this is so disappointing but i'm praying brian gets better!! i'm glad everything will be rescheduled though. hopefully brian's case isn't too serious and he gets better quick

  10. Prayers for Brian...