1. that's def awesome new's!! :) whoohoooo!

  2. that is AWESOME!!!! long time not see a good music award show, and now that you gonna be there am not gonna miss it!!!

  3. waaaaaaaa!! awesome!!!
    and latin america...even better! =)

  4. Ohh so, Cool, I good reason to watch it, Thanks, hasta q estan los boys en MTV, la unaca forma de q vuelva a ver unos premios jajaja

  5. *-* Al fin algo bueno en los MTVLA

  6. Wow, that's cool! \o/

  7. Excelente noticia! Años sin ver unos VMALA pero, este año no me los pierdo :D

  8. Thats great news! =D

  9. Oh snap!!! On an awards show!! yes!!!! Can I catch it on regular MTV?? or is it a totally different channel???

  10. yay!!! bsb on LOS PREMIOS 09!!!!! live from LA!!!! :D cant wait!