1. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... gracias MTV :)

  2. thanks god! at least a latin award who is air in Southamerica, but recorded in Los Angeles!

  3. Does anybody know when MTV Latin Awards Show is going to be at MTV Brazil? I need to watch it!!!!
    Tks all!!

  4. yeaaah! thats great!!
    cant wait to see it!

  5. great news although i do not have that channel I only have mtv...

  6. awesome!!!! can't wait 2 see u guys!!!!! good luck with all the presentations!!!!! u'r the best!!!!! i'm dying 4 the southamerica tour begins!!!!!!!

  7. wow!! that's great!!!!!!! tks for the info!

  8. Ow please come also to the MTV European Awards in Berlin on Nov 5th! :):):)

  9. when is this? lol

  10. great! can't wait to see it!!! :D