1. OMFG, finally! :D I can't believe it hahaha, Latin América rocks! *and MTV*, I'm soooo excited haha. Amazing!

  2. OMG!!! I'll be waiting!!!

  3. FINALLY the boys are back on MTV even if it' only presenting an award! Can't wait to see what the boys will wear!!

  4. that's def awesome new's!! :) whoohoooo!

  5. that is AWESOME!!!! long time not see a good music award show, and now that you gonna be there am not gonna miss it!!!

  6. waaaaaaaa!! awesome!!!
    and latin america...even better! =)

  7. Ohh so, Cool, I good reason to watch it, Thanks, hasta q estan los boys en MTV, la unaca forma de q vuelva a ver unos premios jajaja

  8. *-* Al fin algo bueno en los MTVLA

  9. Wow, that's cool! \o/

  10. Excelente noticia! Años sin ver unos VMALA pero, este año no me los pierdo :D