1. Yayyyyyyyy, it looks awsome so far, can't wait for the finishing touches.

  2. Site looks awesome and thanks for the heads up Matt!

  3. Lookin' good! Excited to see the rest now!

  4. i guess it was worth the wait! what are the points? is this for free stuff at the store?? tell me more, more more! and why did the profile views change i was up to 902..hehe

  5. love it!!!!!
    nice job!!!

  6. OoO! Blue typing!! I LOVE it!

  7. Am I the only one who can't get into chat?! :(

  8. we are going to be making updates to the whole site over the next 24 hours so sit tight :)

  9. Thank You Matty! it looks good.. I get a ponit for get in the fc.. what can i get with this hahaha.. a nick carter doll that eats and dance? haha

  10. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol