1. cant wait 4 the atl show june 23 :)

  2. They deserve amazing reviews because that show is incredible!!

  3. They deserve amazing reviews because that show is incredible!!

  4. Hey guys come to Venezuela!!

  5. Can't wait! 17 days!

  6. Can't wait to see them next month for 3 concerts and 1 concert in August. It's going to be freaking awesome!

  7. U REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY gotta bring NKOTBSB tour to Brazil! Please don't forget about Rio!!!

  8. Argentina and south america would be delighted to have NKOTBSB TOUR here!!!!!!!! plz don't forget about us!!! we love ya!!!

  9. I have heard nothing but Amazing things about the tour and it's unanimous amongst the fans,the show Rocks! I can't wait to see you guys in 6 days live. woohoo youtube videos don't do the show justice.lol

  10. Don't forget Mexico!