1. great, great show!! saw it sun. in baltimore, can't wait to see it again on fri in DC. Also can't wait to finally meet them!!

  2. omg....can't wait to see it....in 7th days!!!!woot!!woot!!!

  3. Best concert I've ever been to and I've been to a lot. Streamers, confetti, smoke, fireworks pyro the works! Great job to the team who put this show together and to NKOTBSB! Bad job on the organization for the VIP at the CT show, what a mess. The show made up for it though.

  4. Lindooooooss.... AmOOOOOOO.... :)

  5. I was just going to share the buffalo review. I see @cdn_grl_luvs_bsb beat me hehe. It's one of my favorite reviews so far. http://www.buffalonews.com/entertainment/gusto/music/concert-reviews/article437275.ece

  6. *Nicksangel21 i mean***

  7. I can't wait till Saturday... 4 More Days @ Nicksangle21 4 more days girl and we get to meet our boys for the first time! You are the MY BSBSISBFF :-)

  8. I loved the review stating "One jazz killer is nothing these days, but two..." I saw some videos and def def I can agree!!! I just wish u came to South America... u know ur fans love u and we really want to see this awesome NKOTBSB show!!! we deserve it!

  9. Seriously the best concert I've ever been to!!

  10. I flew it at last minute, got front row and VIP

    so happy I attended the 1st concert! HISTORIC NIGHT!

    4 more for me to go!