1. I love it :)

  2. Thanks Howie D, for this and thank God grant you big talent.
    To enjoy 100 and Back To Me
    # HowieD100.
    Fan of Howie D

  3. felicitaciones por tu pagina esta muy linda y tu nuevo album

  4. woohoo congrats Howie, its about time can't wait to hear the new song....def signed up on the new site. So proud of you can't wait to see on the tour this summer ; ) xoxo

  5. i am sooo happy for you Howie! can't wait to listen to your song!

  6. Que bellooo Witoooooooooo ahora con tu web como Nick tambien la tiene! te mereces esto!! I love uuuuu!! Kisses from Venezuela!

  7. Hermoso como siempre!!!

  8. love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. iM LOVING HIS NEW SITE !!!!!!!

  10. I like ur web site!!!