1. Hi everyone,

    I have some of my BSB merchandise for sale. I'd rather not part with this stuff, but I really want to save up for a VIP ticket! Msg me if you're interested in anything!

    BSB 1998 tour t-shirt
    BSB Burger King "For the Fans" CD (1st one with red cover)
    Keychain from the "This is Us" tour


  3. great!!

  4. Can't wait :)

  5. Can't wait to see it! It's gonna be epic!

  6. Awesome!! I'll be watching!! :)

  7. cool!!!!! :D

  8. eeek can't freakin wait to watch.....mind you i thought you boys should have been asked to perform the season Aaron was on, well what can you do happy you are performing now : )

  9. WOOT WOOT I'm so going to watch this!! As I pack for our final robotics trip this season LOL

  10. YaY! World premier of DTOTL live?? I'm feelin it... ROCK IT BOYS!