1. Hopefully this is the same as the One we are going to get with out pre order. I know the videos are different but everything else.

  2. hmmm, the URL says US but it won't open in my store :S

    I wonder if this is different then the one we pre-ordered on NKOTBSB.com? I know the 10 music videos is different but the other stuff looks like the stuff included on the DVD that we are supposedly getting with our CD.

  3. Is this different from the pre-order CD? I can't open the link because I am in the U.S.

  4. Oh man, stop doing this you're killing my wallet LOL!! :)

  5. I think the deluxe version will overload my iphone! LOL :)

  6. Haven't I spent enough already this year? Damnit man stop giving me more things to wanna buy, I'm broke!

  7. I can't because i don't live in U.S :( boooo

  8. ahhh too many expenses on this stuff!

  9. Great! I can't wait to hear and see it! Go NKOTBSB! I'm so excited for tour!

  10. Hi everyone,

    I have some of my BSB merchandise for sale. I'd rather not part with this stuff, but I really want to save up for a VIP ticket! Msg me if you're interested in anything!

    BSB 1998 tour t-shirt
    BSB Burger King "For the Fans" CD (1st one with red cover)
    Keychain from the "This is Us" tour
    8 by 10 photo of Nick from the "This is Us" tour