Looks like they are $34.75 to $94.75 not including taxes and fees.
Unless you get different VIP's with FGL - they have a a couple options.
It would be 8:50 central time.
Will pit tickets be available with the BSB presale?
So if we get the password for presale tomorrow at 9:50 eastern time. What time is that in central lol. I'm having a brain fart apparently ???? I guess we have to use the password to get the tickets and after we get our tickets then we can get the meet and greets? I wish I knew how much the tickets were before tomorrow.
I believe you can buy up to 4. I just got mine through FGL presale and their limit was 4.
Is there a limit as to how many tickets we can purchase for the Mpls 7/29/17 concert? Thanks!
Posted 03.20.2017 at 7:51 PM by Fargogirls
Looks like they are $34.75 to $94.75 not including taxes and fees.
Unless you get different VIP's with FGL - they have a a couple options.
Posted 03.20.2017 at 7:50 PM by Fargogirls
It would be 8:50 central time.
Will pit tickets be available with the BSB presale?
Posted 03.20.2017 at 4:08 PM by Emma Hill
So if we get the password for presale tomorrow at 9:50 eastern time. What time is that in central lol. I'm having a brain fart apparently ???? I guess we have to use the password to get the tickets and after we get our tickets then we can get the meet and greets? I wish I knew how much the tickets were before tomorrow.
Posted 03.20.2017 at 3:18 PM by Ukstar827
I believe you can buy up to 4. I just got mine through FGL presale and their limit was 4.
Posted 03.20.2017 at 1:33 AM by Ahender90
Is there a limit as to how many tickets we can purchase for the Mpls 7/29/17 concert? Thanks!
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