1. My code is not working on ticket master

  2. I hope we still get access to M&G before the public

  3. I wanted to buy a M&G too especially as I'll be going for my stagette party. Can't justify spending $500 just for a photo though. Maybe I'll wait and see if they add soundcheck or something else later on.....

  4. "We are working on creating a Larger Than Life experience. .."
    Hahahha it's a joke!!!! You just increased the VIP price and don't offer anything else to us... are you singers or photographic models?
    The only Larger Than Life experience is the price...
    NOT sing a song for us?
    You are so stupid! !

  5. Same here, I had it in my cart, showed $500, then it said there was an error. Cant access it anymore.

  6. Thanks, Whitney. I see that now too. Why stick to a plan when you can change it willy nilly and drive us all insane. :)

  7. They are giving me Heart palpitations with this back and forth with the m & g

  8. My code isn't working, and VIP M&G isn't on sale at all. SHOCKING. (NOT)

  9. Re read this post. Its been updated to say Meet and Greets are NOT going on sale today

  10. I had the same issue. It was in my cart, showed $0 dollars, and then told me there was an error.