1. cant wait to get vip tickets

  2. at what hour begins the selling meet & greet tickets?

  3. Nobody knows when they gop on sale that was the purpose of this news item. Just WAIT until further notice on this website... thats what the message says so stop asking for news... it will be shared when the packages are ready... so most likely it will not be today! BE PATIENT people

  4. They said they'd be available the 9th right ??

  5. Please, does anyone know at what time we will be able to buy the meet and greet?????

  6. I know me too! Need to know where should i ve attached to my computer!!

  7. VIP is a section. You still need the M&G upgrades.

  8. I would like to know the same thing! lol Will they be on sale tomorrow still? I so hope so! I need to set my alarm!

  9. When is the upgrade going to be? What time?

  10. Any news about the pre-sale date????