1. im soooo there too, but will there be a link to reserve a cabin on here like the tour dates or will u need to call the cruise line i need to know asap

  2. I am so there! :)

  3. I hope can go to one cruise some day =S stupid VISA and CADIVI

  4. Ola meninas...Bem acho que já esta tudo certo pra mim ir, só que vai ser minha primeira vez, então queria saber se tem alguma brasileira ai que vai também,, pra gente dividir a cabine. beijos...

  5. see you all there =D

  6. Nick has excellent taste in masks. Quite pretty I must say.

  7. i soooo want to go. hopefully I have enough money to go.

  8. I won't be on the cruise this time around, I am definitely going on the one in 2012, that will be right before their 20th anniversary

  9. OH MY GOD, I AM SO THERE! Rio is going to be there!

  10. somebody knows how many people admit per cabin?