1. Unless i win alot of money , I can only dream about going on this cruise.

  2. when a european cruise?? :(

  3. I am so excited for this cruise... Missed out on the last one.. Def not missing this one!!

  4. Oh and High prices... ¬¬' what do you think we are?

  5. Gosh! Winter again... more cold, more people, less BSB... what a great idea!

  6. i am so on this cruise! along with my husband. i think he will be a little bit outnumbered tho lol

  7. I´ll be there this year =)

  8. Hooooo haaaaaa Im there along with my 'shinning face'! Lol love you guys, and yes, I know what to expect - thats why Im gonna sleep for 3 weeks solid straight before, haha :)

  9. come to Spain soonnnnnn pleaseeee boys

  10. Pls!!! we want bsb cruise 2012 in latin america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!