1. I'm sooooooooo there! The last one was one of the best times of my freakin LIFE! And I'm sooo excited that I saw myself TWICE on that cruise video! lol!

  2. YEPPER!!!! I'm sooo gonna be there! Whoo hoooo! ;0)

  3. where does it say u have to be 21??

  4. I def wanna see the BSB Cruise DVD now... LOL I need to relieve those memories until BSB cruise 2011! :)

  5. GOOD LUCK FOR EVERYONE this time i'can`t go butttt i went on the firts bsb cruise

  6. i cant wait for the 2010 cruise videoo!!!! it was such a blasttt!! :)

  7. you have to be 21 for what?

  8. im looking for a couple of roommates, so if anyone needs one, just inbox message me

  9. Why Don't you prepare a cruise to The caribbean????? Here in Venezuela is not easy to find dollars,we have exange control. Pleaseeeeeee!

  10. It sucks for me that you have to be 21 to go...I'll only be 19 :/