1. After Party in Argentina Please!!!!!!!!!

  2. #AfterPartyinBrazil

  3. Im asking the same.... why not in México....??? We want after party too

  4. hola!!!! alguien sabe si en México harán After Party?????

  5. I was also hoping there would be a Brisbane after party...I guess it's too late?

  6. Any plans for a Brisbane after party at all? Fingers crossed!

  7. Do I need to have a ticket for the concert to be able to attend the after party? I have a friend who couldn't buy a ticket for concert (she doesn't want to be seated miles away from us) and she would like to go to the after party.

  8. No general admission tickets ?

  9. For the love of God, please do an After party in Argentina too!!! We only have one concert and there are a lot of girls that miss the show! :)